25 Types of Websites [With Examples]

Types of Website

Each day, we come across different websites, each one created to serve a specific purpose. With more than 1.1 billion websites online today, you cannot deny the importance of web presence in today’s digital landscape. But do all these websites belong to the same category? Are they created in the same way? Are the elements on them the same? Is the functionality of them the same?

Obviously, NO!

While some are created to inform readers, others are crafted to entertain visitors via different resources. Some are built to showcase portfolios, while some are built for non-profit organizations.

You are probably only aware of a few types of websites, such as e-commerce, blogging, business, web portals, educational, or maybe a few more. But there are a plethora of different websites that you probably haven’t encountered yet.

Whether you want to build a website on CMS or with Kemo SaaS, you must know how different websites cater to various businesses. By understanding this, you can combine web design elements on your website to represent your business and enhance customer interactions.

Related Read: Elements of a web page

In this blog post, we introduce you to different types of websites along with real-life examples.

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Types of Websites that You Should Know

01. Personal Website

If you want to build your personal brand and boost your online presence, consider creating a personal website. It allows you to explore your interests, exhibit your passion, display your craft, express your personality and preferences, and do whatever you want. You can even share your life story and experience and use the platform to advance your career.

Your web space represents your personality, so consider the design intricacies that best describe you in person. It is like your digital footprint and a unique space where you can control the content you want to share. The personal website combines the characteristics of a blog and portfolio, but it is more focused on representing the unique value proposition of the individual. This centralized hub of your online visibility helps you deeply connect with the audience.

Examples of Personal Websites

  • David Milan takes vibrant design aesthetics to the next level with the sheer focus on illustrations on his website. He is a 3D artist and designer showcasing typography on the homepage. There is a contact form to contact him for hiring or collaboration purposes. The best thing about this personal website is that you immediately perceive its goals by looking at its design and aesthetics.
  • Tobias Becs is a soccer freestyler who uses his website to showcase his interests. From the layout to the images, every element on the web page sets the tone and complements his style. He shares updates and information via his website, and there is also a booking section to book him for consulting or public speaking.
Types of Websites - Example of Personal Wesite -Tobias Becs
Source: tobiasbecs.com

02. Portfolio Website

Whether you are a writer, photographer, musician, designer, painter, programmer, developer, or any other creative professional or tech person, you can build a portfolio website to showcase your work to a larger audience. It’s like a digital resume where you can display your expertise with the help of visuals and content layouts and use it to attract potential employers. A portfolio website lets you create your personal branding, which eventually helps you land great roles.

You may add your professional information to your portfolio, including contact details, expertise, skillset, qualification, certification, current and existing projects, reviews of your previous employers, etc. It’s like a personal website but revolves around your professional skills to dazzle prospective clients. You can effortlessly create a portfolio website with a robust builder like Kemo SaaS that lets you create a full-fledged portfolio around your profession and make your resume digital-ready.

Examples of Portfolio Websites

  • Ryan Haskins is a creative director, and his portfolio website boldly takes on his design aesthetics. It showcases all of his work in the creative field. Many visuals, illustrations, and layouts take you to a colorful web exploration experience.
  • Steve Benjamins is an aspiring musician and singer who uses his portfolio website to upload his music files more occasionally. The dazzling homepage represents his love for music and sparks louder about this music-specific portfolio website. There is also a blog section where he shares his music updates and a ‘Listen On Spotify’ button to take you to his Spotify account.
Types of Websites - Example of Portfolio Wesite -Steve Benjamins
Source: ryanhaskins.com

03. Blog Website

Blogs are platforms where people can write about their interests on a particular topic, post visuals, and even benefit from monetization opportunities. By running their blogs strategically, bloggers can leverage the benefits of affiliate marketing and paid advertising. By creating engaging and relevant content in a particular niche for targeted readers, you can maximize your visibility on search engines, bringing you more perks.

A blog is like a personal website, but it gives you better opportunities to collaborate with other marketers and earn through monetization and affiliate marketing. Some popular blogging niches include lifestyle, travel, food, health, and wellness. You can use this platform to share your journeys and experiences, and if you want to stay at the top of your competitors, you should keep posting regular articles on your blog. Writing a blog post has no hard and fast rules; you can use any tone, keep it interesting, and make your readers enjoy reading your posts.

Examples of Blog Websites

  • The Desi Wonder Woman is a blog website owned by famous Australian blogger Shehzeen Rehman. She shares engaging content with her audience, covering topics ranging from traveling to home interiors to interests. Her blog is like a fresh breath of air. The blog is not stuffed with fancy images or fonts, but the content and visuals say a lot about the credibility of this lifestyle blog.
  • Cup of Jo is a women’s lifestyle blog founded by Joanna Goddard. The blog covers a number of exciting topics, including food, style, design, travel, motherhood, and much more, to keep visitors hooked. From intellectually crafted blog posts to aesthetically beautiful visuals, this blog is a treat for the eyes. It revives the good old-school vibes for avid readers who want to engage in blog posts across different genres.
Types of Websites - Example of Blog Wesite - Cup of Jo
Source: cupofjo.com

04. Event Website

An event website is the hub for all the event-related information for potential attendees who want to know about the event. The event website contains specific information about the event, such as date, time, location, agenda, etc. Whether you are hosting an event virtually or in person, the event website can essentially help interested attendees to know more about it. With the registration option on the website, they can get registered effortlessly and get tickets if applicable.

With details on the planned activities and upcoming events, interested attendees can schedule their event participation. An intellectually crafted event website has multiple perks, such as collecting valuable prospects’ data, generating leads, and boosting engagement.

Examples of Event Websites

  • Who wouldn’t be aware of one of the largest event planning platforms, Web Summit, which has been admired by the New York Times multiple times? They bring together thought leaders, founders, and CEOs across the globe and plan live events for the participants. On their event website, potential attendees can book tickets, and brands are welcome to partner with them.
  • Creative Retail Awards is another attractive event platform website that provides comprehensive information on upcoming award ceremonies. Candidates can submit their entries, and potential attendees can book their tickets through the website. There is also a ‘Public Vote’ option on the website. This event website beautifully represents the event details along with captivating visuals and also displays the description of every award.
Types of Websites - Example of Event Wesite - Home Creative Retail Awards
Source: creativeretailawards.com

05. Wedding Website

A wedding website is created by a couple to share their wedding information with the guests and to communicate with them. People love to add personalization to their special days, and couples who want to be creative with their wedding events can benefit from a wedding website. It allows them to depict their unique style through personalization and to set the tone of their big day. There are several wedding planning websites that help you plan your big day, keep track of who is coming and who is not, and communicate with the guests and answer their queries.

With a website builder like Kemo SaaS, you can build a wedding website effortlessly and publish it for the guests to access quickly. A wedding website is a great way to organize wedding details, including time, date, and event location. The couple may specify the dress code, accommodation, and relevant details on their wedding website. They can share their pre-wedding photos, memories, and wedding stories and give a personal touch to their website. You may add a countdown timer on the website showing how much time is left in the wedding, which will increase the excitement among your guests.

A wedding website is accessible to guests 24/7, and they don’t have to call the host repetitively to get the details. This digital invitation form is also an eco-friendly solution and a great alternative to paper invitation cards. A significant amount of cost is reduced with a wedding website, and on top of that, the host does not have to pick up unlimited calls to confirm the wedding venue or other event details. Everything is sorted in one place, and is convenient for everyone to fetch the required information from there.

Examples of Wedding Websites

  • Camas and Jeff got married in 2019, and their wedding website beautifully showcases their wedding details. The entire website design is intimidating, with appealing photographs of the couple. There is an option for RSVP attendance, the wedding menu details, dress code, and activities. You can use this beautiful wedding website as an example to plan a website for your big day.
  • The Knot is a wedding planning website with several options within your budget. You can pick photographers to capture your wedding day memories, select a reception location, discover music DJs, and do much more to make your wedding planning process stress-free. The couple can even build their vendor team, create special announcements for the guests, and organize everything so they don’t stumble among the guests’ queries.
Types of Websites - Example of Wedding Wesite - Camas Jeff
Source: camasandjeff.com

06. Business Website

A website is important for any business to thrive, especially today when almost every business has an online presence. Even if you are not planning to sell via your website, your business website can help you build your online brand, giving it much-needed exposure. You may explain how your business can solve the pain points of the targeted audience and create a long-lasting relationship with them.

You can build landing pages to capture new prospects and use this data in your targeted marketing campaigns. Whether you are an entrepreneur running a startup or an established business, it’s totally up to you what you want to put on your business website. If you run an app, you can explain its purpose and benefits through a website and address your targeted audience.

Examples of Business Websites

  • Animal Music Studio is a business website that displays music and sound design services designed by a professional team of artists and composers. They even allow other musicians and creators to join their network and collaborate with them to create music pieces.
  • Modern Health is a mental health delivery service. Through its business website, it communicates with its targeted audience about the importance of its app on well-being. It has an engaging blog section, videos, and customer reviews to keep visitors engaged. From onboarding to care management, the website provides crucial information.
Types of Websites - Example of Business Wesite - Modern Health
Source: modernhealth.com

07. Affiliate Website

Affiliate marketing websites promote the digital or physical products of a company in return for a commission. The affiliate industry is rapidly growing as this is a prominent source of passive income. The products marketed on affiliate websites are not owned by these websites, but they are only promoted there, and when a visitor clicks on any of the affiliate links and buys, the affiliate website gets paid.

You may create an affiliate website to promote a generic or a more specific product or products in a specific niche. For example, if you create an affiliate site related to the Halloween niche, you may promote everything related to Halloween, including ostumes, decorations, candy and treats, and accessories, or get more specific about promoting Halloween costumes for kids only.

Even if the affiliate website posts a product review and someone purchases the product through the link, the website gets a certain amount as a commission. Affiliate programs benefit both sides: marketers earn passive income, and businesses gain wider exposure.

Examples of Affiliate Websites

  • Wirecutter was founded in 2011 and has been generating revenue in millions every year. It is a popular affiliate marketing website that compiles the list of best gadgets for users. The content posted on the Wirecutter goes through rigorous reporting and interviewing and is collected by an expert team of researchers. They test hundreds of products before recommending the best ones to the readers and earn commission from the affiliate links.
  • Finder is a giant affiliate marketing website that helps people find the right financial products and services. On the website, you can find comparisons of different financial products, investment options, insurance plans, cash advance apps, and much more. With the huge impact it has gained over the years, Finder is loved by businesses who want to promote their products or services. The website contains product comparisons, money-saving tips, and tools that bring value to people’s lives and is estimated to garner 3 million monthly visits.
Types of Websites - Example of Affiliate Wesite -Wirecutter
Source: nytimes.com/wirecutter

08. E-commerce Website

To build an online store and sell your products to a broader audience, you should make an e-commerce website. Businesses that want to transform the typical brick-and-mortar business into a more convenient and exceptional business can benefit from creating an e-commerce store. It allows you to sell your products and services to a large targeted audience, streamlining your business operations and maximizing revenues. The products are listed, categorized, and organized in a meaningful and searchable manner, and the search bar makes it easy for potential shoppers to search through the product listing.

The e-commerce websites give shoppers a hassle-free and stress-free shopping experience. They can explore your store, see your products, search for their desired products, put any product into their cart, go to the checkout, choose any payment option, and buy. From beautiful product images to descriptions, the e-commerce store is the online aisle of your business. Different platforms like Kemo SaaS and Shopify allow you to create an e-commerce website and incorporate all the essential features for a full-fledged online store.

Examples of E-commerce Websites

  • Beard brand is a popular beard grooming kit selling e-commerce website with several beard oils, serums, and trimming tools. From images to layouts, everything screams loud about its sole focus, i.e., men’s grooming.
  • The Spice Suite sells a variety of spices. The website has a vibrant design and color aesthetic. The small business is owned by a home cook and takes its e-commerce game to the next level by selling food-inspired apparel, books, and accessories.
Types of Websites - Example of Ecommerce Wesite - Beardbrand
Source: beardbrand.com

09. Service Booking Website

Gone are the days when people had to wait in long queues or make repetitive calls to book a slot for a particular service. Service booking websites have made things easier by incorporating online booking functionality. Businesses can create a service booking website to help users book their services online.

Not only does a service booking website help users, but it also helps businesses manage and scale their operations. A booking website may also contain recommendations and reviews of other users of a particular service, detailed service information, comprehensive search functionality, an online payment system, and a booking calendar.

Examples of Service Booking Websites

  • Wisdom Well is owned by Lynne Saunders, who is a transformational coach and a well-being specialist. She uses this platform to offer online consultations to those seeking ways to relieve pain, transform their lives, and regain inner strength and peace. The website lets people book their online sessions by picking a date and time. You can also schedule pre-appointment calls or in-person appointments through this booking website.
  • Nutri Me is run by Diana, a qualified nutritionist who encourages people to change their lives with healthy food and lifestyle modifications. The website displays the services offered, which you can book at your convenience. You may schedule initial consultations with the nutritionist, plan follow-up visits, or book her services through the website.
Types of Websites - Example of Service Booking Wesite - WisdomWell
Source: wisdomwell.com.au

10. Restaurant Website

If you have a restaurant busiess, a restaurant website will boost the presence of your eatery and maximize revenue in unexpected ways. We know how appetizing it is to view fancy food photos and extravagant food menus, and the excitement doubles when we order that food with just one click. A restaurant website allows people to order food online when they’re craving their favorite food but don’t or can’t go outside. A restaurant website also lets diners make online reservations at their favorite local restaurant.

These websites are easy to navigate and fast to load. They have a detailed menu along with prices, photos, and descriptions of the dishes, an online reservation system, social media integration, a contact page, and often a blog to share the restaurant’s BTS updates. Some restaurant websites also contain HD videos to showcase the restaurant’s ambiance and interior to add extra appeal.

The restaurant websites have a crisp, vibrant, and attractive design. You will find the hours of operation, promotional discounts, extensive food listings, take-out and delivery options, and much more to dive into the restaurant’s culinary experience.

Examples of Restaurant Websites

  • Aquarius is a popular seafood house in Australia, and its website is just another level. From eye-captivating visuals to a delectable food menu, every element on the website calls for a fancy dining experience. The restaurant has an appealing home page where visitors can find its extensive menu and opening hours. The mouth-tingling entrees and the visuals ooze out the flavors and make visitors book their reservations as soon as they land on the website.
  • Bite Me Burger is a haven for burger lovers, where they can order their favorite burger. The website has some exclusive deals available for online ordering and an extensive menu. We love the chic, organized, and fun design and the color palette, mainly black, white, and red. You can also book their catering services for your special events directly from the website or book their food truck for outdoor catering.
Types of Websites - Example of Restaurant Wesite - Aquarius
Source: aquariusseafood.com.au

11. Recipe Website

Whether you are looking to try some amazing recipes for special occasions or just want to give your taste buds a yummy treat, you can always head over to recipe websites. There, you will find tons of recipes from across the world or a specific continent. A recipe website has clear instructions on how to cook a specific meal, along with the accurate amount of each ingredient that goes into meal prepping.

The recipe websites ooze out unique culinary experiences and are a valuable resource for home cooks. These websites usually offer a wide recipe database where different recipes are categorized by the type of cuisine and dietary restrictions. The cooking process is penned down in simple steps backed by high-quality images and videos to make it easy for the cooks to follow the steps. Sometimes, the recipe websites also allow users to share their feedback and experiences regarding the recipes.

Advanced features like meal planning, calorie count, and nutritional value help cooks plan their meals accordingly and make them aware of the calorie intake with every ingredient used in the meal preparation. The users can also mark their favorite recipes or save them to try later. As you see, a recipe website is not like a regular cooking blog. The recipe website focuses more on detailed recipes and offers clear instructions regarding ingredient measurements and the cooking process, while the cooking blog takes a more personalized approach and combines food recipes with personal stories.

Examples of Recipe Websites

  • Damn Delicious is a popular recipe website that takes visitors to a whole new culinary experience. The beautiful, taste-teasing visuals and the extensive list of recipes are heaven for home cooks. The recipes are categorized differently to make it easier for cooks to search through a specific recipe. The website also supports cooking videos to make it even easier for the home cooks to try recipes. By signing up with an email account, users can get the latest recipe delivered right to their mailbox.
  • Once you land on the Foodiecrush recipe website, you will not leave without drooling over its aesthetics. The content is very organized and categorized into different types of menus, including dinner, lunch, breakfast, desserts, appetizers, and more. The latest recipes are listed at the top, and each recipe enlists precise measurements of ingredients and a step-by-step guide on how to make it.
Types of Websites - Example of Recipe Wesite - DamnDelicious
Source: damndelicious.net

12. Online Food Ordering Website

The online food ordering website is not like a regular restaurant website; it is a hub of multiple food eateries with their menu and pricing so the customers can order food from their favorite eateries. Unlike a restaurant website, these websites are not limited to the menu and offerings of a single particular restaurant. They have an extensive selection of eateries, including different restaurants, cafes, bars, homemade kitchens, etc. These websites have a very easy-to-use interface, high-quality images, a straightforward checkout process, easy navigation, live order tracking, online payment options, and consistent branding.

Online food ordering websites work exceptionally well for home-cooked businesses without a website or a physical location. They reduce the additional costs of running a physical location and can reach more customers. Automation and order tracking make things even easier, as there is less need to manage orders manually.

Not only can you order food through the website, but you can also place orders for groceries and medicines from the preferred store. These websites have a user-friendly interface where customers can order their preferred food items without going out. There are options for delivery or pickup that customers can choose accordingly. The online food ordering system works around the clock, which means customers can place orders at any time of the day. It also reduces the chances of mistakes that are likely to happen in order via phone calls.

Examples of Online Food Ordering Websites

  • Who doesn’t know Talabat, a popular and widely expanded food delivery company? Talabat is an on-demand food delivery app that fulfills customers’ food cravings and helps them explore several local restaurants and food businesses. It has a very intuitive website with a large search bar on its home page, where you can enter your area or landmark and search for nearby restaurants.
  • Instacart is loved by consumers due to its ease of placing online grocery orders. Whether you want to place orders for vegetables, fruits, rice, milk, or any other grocery essential, you can easily pick from the Instacart grocery menu. You will find several local brands and stores on the website. It has a very detailed Home Page with all the services highlighted at the top. There is a prominent search bar where you can search for any product or store.
Types of Websites - Example of Online Food Ordering Wesite - Talabat
Source: talabat.com

13. Travel Website

Do you know that more than 1.5 billion people book travel every year, and 70% of them book their travel and trips online? A travel website is one of the popular websites revolving around different things related to travel, including packages, bookings, flights, hotels, reviews, travelogues, and travel and tourism guides. Whether you want to plan your trip locally or internationally, book a trip to a destination, share your reviews, work in the travel or tourism industry, or help travelers with accommodations, a travel website helps with travel-related business.

Travel agencies use these websites to manage and organize trips and create travel itineraries. Travel companies use their websites to offer travel deals and discounts, share flight/cruise booking details, and offer customers a seamless travel experience.

These travel websites have attractive visuals, user-friendly navigation, booking functionality, informative content, interactive maps, customer reviews, a booking management system, payment options, and multilingual support. Travelers can find all the relevant information, compare different options, reserve flights, and plan their itineraries within the travel website.

Examples of Travel Websites

  • Who doesn’t know about TripAdvisor? It is one of the largest travel guidance platforms, helping millions of tourists and travelers worldwide plan and book their trips. The website provides authentic recommendations on where to stay, activities to do, what to eat, and everything a tourist might need to know about a new place. With millions and billions of reviews and recommendations available on TripAdvisor, a large number of travelers use this platform to book their itineraries and plan their entire trip.
  • Booking.com is another hugely popular travel booking website that allows travelers to book their trip and enjoy a memorable experience. It is also one of the largest marketplaces connecting travelers worldwide, and it is reportedly comprised of over 28 million accommodation listings. Travelers and tourists can have a wide selection based on their preferences and at the best possible rates.
  • Airbnb is an excellent example of a travel booking website where hosts and guests create their accounts. The local hosts rent out their places to those who are looking for a residence during their work, family trips, or for an extended stay. Airbnb Adventures lets travelers explore local territories under the guidance of local guides. The website has verified listings with pricing, a reservation system, customer reviews and ratings from old guests, smart messaging to ensure smooth communication between guests and hosts, and safe payment solutions.
Types of Websites - Example of Travel Wesite Booking.com
Source: booking.com

14. Entertainment Website

An entertainment website is created to offer entertaining content, typically visuals. The popular entertainment websites we see today are rich in interactive and engaging content in the form of movies, video clips, or high-quality images. Much content is produced on these websites to entertain a wider audience, usually globally.

Whether you want to engage the audience by sharing movies, videos, or any form of content, or you are an entertainment business looking to promote your entertainment shows, you may consider developing an entertainment website to capture audience attention at a larger scale. These websites also display ads and sponsored content for monetization purposes.

Examples of Entertainment Websites

  • Sony Pictures is a popular entertainment website where you can explore movies, TV shows, and games. You can watch trending shows and even book tickets from the website. The website has a very intuitive design with captivating images throughout. There is also a section for Press Releases and a sign-up form.
  • Pitchfork has a fascinating design that revolves around entertaining intended audiences through news articles, reviews, and videos. It also offers lists, guides, and interviews to keep visitors hooked. The navigation is smooth and precise, and the color scheme is cohesive, primarily black-and-white.
Types of Websites - Example of Entertainment Wesite SonyPictures.com
Source: sonypictures.com

15. Gaming Website

The gaming website gives users access to multiple gaming services such as game streaming, multiplayer gaming, game distribution, etc. The players can also purchase virtual currency or accessories within the game. The gaming platforms focus on video games and everything, such as game libraries, forums, updates, news, etc.

These websites are loved by those who are passionate about playing games and want to stay aware of the latest advancements in their favorite games. While mobile gaming is becoming extremely popular, the experience of playing games on the web is unbeatable in several ways.

Examples of Gaming Websites

  • Nintendo is a stunning gaming website that brings together Nintendo lovers from across the globe. The website comprises an extensive library of gaming-related news, images, guides, and features. Its design is appealing, with eye-catching images and bold colors. Different characters, digital best sellers, and digital new releases are displayed, and there is also an exclusive Nintendo Store for gamers to shop their favorite merchandise, characters, hardware, and more.
  • Roblox is another gaming platform where Roblox players connect with each other and enjoy an immersive gaming experience. The website follows a dark theme that goes well with the gaming aesthetics. This is one of the largest virtual playgrounds where players can play tons of games through Roblox Studio or the games created by other users. The user can create an avatar using different clothing options, hairstyles, or accessories and choose any gaming experience. The search feature makes it easy for the account holders to search through the platform for a specific game.
Types of Websites - Example of Gaming Website - Nintendo.com
Source: nintendo.com

16. Subscription Website

These websites are helpful for businesses offering subscription-based services or content that want to generate a constant stream of revenue. These businesses are gaining popularity as they offer digital services, products, or content to customers on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis and charge them accordingly. Visitors must pay a certain subscription fee to access premium content, products, or services.

The subscription-based websites connect like-minded people and cover a number of exciting subjects, including news and media, gaming, software as a service, social issues, baking, cooking, professional networking, etc. These websites comprise in-depth content in the form of articles, live video presentations, video courses, webinars, tutorials, etc, and are only accessible by paid visitors. There are clear pricing plans displayed on the website, a signup process, multiple payment options, a member area, and an option to cancel out the subscription.

Examples of Subscription Websites

  • Baking for Business is a subscription-based website where aspiring bakers can learn different baking techniques by availing the membership at the fee of $25/month. The premium subscribers can avail of different courses, masterclasses with baking experts, and coaching calls and master the art of baking. There are free resources as well on the website that you can benefit from to seek business inspiration.
  • Spotify is a large music streaming platform that offers users access to millions of songs, music, and video content worldwide. While Spotify’s basic features are free, users may upgrade to Spotify Premium, which is subscription-based and offers ad-free listening and higher audio quality.
  • Sew It Academy is a very helpful subscription and teaching website where students can learn to design clothes. Their membership plans cover womenswear, menswear, and kidswear and start at $12/month. Individual courses are also available, and these courses are rapidly gaining popularity. The website revolves around the art of sewing and different sewing plans.
Types of Websites - Example of Subscription Website - sewitacademy.com
Source: sewitacademy.com

17. Educational Website

Whether you want to brush up your skills or just want to learn a new skill, there are multiple educational websites that can help you upskill. Numerous teaching and learning platforms are designed solely to deliver information and offer courses on multiple topics. Not only can these websites help school or university-going students, but these educational websites can also be used by anyone looking to find a particular piece of knowledge.

Many educational institutes create educational websites for students to inform them about their institute or provide them with helpful study material. These websites also allow access to online courses and offer exclusive educational material that is only accessed by the registered students of the particular institute.

Examples of Educational Websites

  • French Mornings is a French teaching website that helps learners learn the easiest ways to speak French. The layout is quite simple yet captivating and does not let your focus distract. There are free French guides to download, multiple French courses, videos, and much more to help aspiring learners in their French learning journey with Elisa.
  • At Maven, you can get your hands on a plethora of trending courses and can even create a course for learners. It helps teaching experts give a boost to their career and earn. It showcases several courses on multiple industries, including design, product, leadership, data engineering, technology, and much more.
Types of Websites - Example of Educational Website - Frenchmornings.com
Source: frenchmornings.com

18. Wiki Website

The wiki website is like a repository of information where people can collaborate on different topics. Internal team members can easily and quickly share information on internal wikis, and external wikis can be accessible to the general public. Wikis are secure platforms to share helpful information and are ideal for large communities.

A wiki is like an online encyclopedia where users can access information on multiple topics. The content here is often written collaboratively and has different pages dedicated to different topics. You will often see many hyperlinks on each page, and upon clicking these links, the user is directed to another wiki page.

Wiki websites are either used to find information to learn something or to contribute information. They allow users to create documentation and a knowledge base. To contribute to the wiki, the user has to create an account. The content is organized in a hierarchical structure and has a powerful search feature to help users find information regarding their desired topic. There are editing tools, collaboration, and community features that give users ease in managing and editing data.

Examples of Wiki Websites

  • Wikipedia is the most common yet popular example of a wiki website where you can find a plethora of information on almost every topic. It is a giant online encyclopedia available to everyone for free, and anyone who is registered can create and edit articles on Wikipedia. This is an excellent platform to start your research by entering possible keywords and is accessible to everyone globally.
  • Quora is one of the largest online Q&A websites and knowledge-sharing platforms where people share and gain information on almost every topic. People from different walks of life connect here and share useful insights regarding a particular question. Users can answer a question asked by another user or contribute to another question by editing it. Not just that, they can also follow topics they are interested in to stay updated and knowledgeable regarding the latest discussions.
  • WikiHow is another wiki-style platform with a number of helpful how-to articles. This wiki website aims to help users who are researching a particular topic with powerful visuals that make learning easier and smoother. These articles are curated by industry experts, so you can trust the platform to carry out in-depth research. The users contribute to the wiki-how articles, and these articles further undergo the review process. There are step-by-step guides, tips, warnings, images and diagrams, article ratings, search functionality, and multilingual support.
Types of Website - Example of Wiki Website - Wikipedia.org
Source: wikipedia.org

19. Social Media Networking Website

This is the age of social media, and social media websites are reigning globally. These websites are among the most used websites and influence the young generations in almost every aspect of life. Nearly everyone is on Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat, and the influence of these platforms in real life is undeniable. Due to these sites’ popularity and broader reach, almost every small to large business uses these websites to boost their presence. Social media marketing and ad campaigns boost a business’s instant traffic and help maximize revenues.

When a user clicks on an ad on a social channel, he is directed to a business landing page where he learns about the business offerings. If the offer excites him, he may purchase or subscribe to the Newsletter. The potential these social media sites hold is unmatchable; from getting to know the trends and latest news to being a primary stop for shoppers, the impact of social media websites is increasing massively.

Due to their adaptability and worldwide reach, social media websites can be used to highlight any cause or connect people around a certain goal. People from different cultures, countries, languages, and interests seem to be connected via social media and share their views regarding almost every topic.

Examples of Social Media Networking Websites

  • Facebook is currently the largest social media network, connecting people from all over the world. Since its development in 2004, Facebook has seen tremendous growth in active users due to its exceptional features, friendly interface, and ease of sharing and connecting with anyone, anywhere. Not only is Facebook loved by common individuals, but it is also the favorite tool in the marketer’s aisle as it offers better growth potential than other social media sites.
  • Twitter is now known as X, where people post short tweets and share them with their followers. The tweets may comprise text, photos, videos, or links and may revolve around any trending topic. People use X to connect with thought leaders, influencers, politicians, sportspersons, marketers, or celebrities. This social media networking site is widely used to stay aware of current events, trends and share information quickly.

20. Directory Websites

Directory websites comprise listings of different businesses in a structured format. The web directory does not work like a search engine, but it is human-curated, where humans submit and review the listings for the public. A website owner, marketer, or business representative submits the business to a directory for free or for a specific fee. The directory website editors then review the submitted business listings and websites to ensure the authenticity, ownership, and quality of the listing and evaluate the content and design of the listed website.

After the business is approved, it is available to visitors, and users can browse through specific listings to find what they are looking for. Web directories greatly help visitors looking for a particular service, such as the best restaurant/spa/store suggestions in town or a specific service in a particular location. These websites are also great for comparing different options and an excellent way for businesses to establish their reputation.

Examples of Directory Websites

  • Yelp is a popular web directory that helps millions of people find the best options across multiple industries, including spas, restaurants, gas stations, bars, etc. Yelp comprises detailed business profiles, including phone addresses, business locations, websites, descriptions, hours of working, etc. It has a comprehensive review system where people post reviews that are available to visitors. The honest reviews from actual customers help Yelp visitors make informed decisions, and the search filters make it easy to search for a particular service in a specific area. For example, plumbers in San Francisco.
  • Manta gives your business the online exposure it needs to outrank competitors. Manta has been in the industry for more than 20 years and is successfully connecting businesses with everyday people. You can find any business nearby through Manta’s leading online directory. Manta caters to several business directories, including real estate, healthcare, restaurants, landscape, etc. It helps businesses manage reviews with real-time notifications and strengthens their online ranking.
Types of Websites - Example of Directory Wesite - Yelp.com
Source: yelp.com

21. Job Board Website

Job boards have made job searching easier by offering a platform where employers or companies post for different jobs, and potential candidates apply for the jobs online depending upon their expertise and qualifications. The job boards are websites comprising job vacancies posted by a recruitment person or department through paid ID or for free. Different job listings are arranged in a searchable manner, which potential candidates can access via a registered ID.

A job board may contain job adverts from any industry or focus more on one niche. Candidates may upload their online resume on the job board and fill out the credentials, or they may be redirected to another website to complete the application process. Some job portals even come with a CV builder to help anyone create an online CV in a professional format.

You may find in-office, freelance, or remote jobs based on your convenience and employment commitment. To narrow down your research, you can apply different search filters, including job title, experience level, qualification, location, pay rate, etc. By searching and filtering through enormous online job listings, candidates can save significant time and effort that goes into submitting applications from one place to another.

Examples of Job Board Websites

  • LinkedIn is a vast job-search platform where companies from around the globe post jobs in almost every niche. Any eligible candidate can apply for the job based on their skill set. It is basically a social network where professionals from across the globe connect and share useful tips and insights. LinkedIn is rapidly growing into a vast network with millions of active users and enormous opportunities for growth for everyone.
  • Indeed is the industry-leading job listing platform launched in November 2004. Hiring companies and employers post jobs on Indeed daily, and people from all walks of life can apply. Premium job postings and CV features generate revenue for this platform. Indeed has a large internal team that helps employers improve their job ads, screen suitable candidates, and schedule interviews.
Types of Websites - Example of Job Board Wesite - Indeed.com
Source: indeed.com

22. Online Marketplace Website

With the increasing trend of online shopping, online marketplaces are garnering a strong business point in the market. An online marketplace is an e-commerce platform that sells third-party products and services. Businesses sell their items on any online marketplace with a pre-established customer base. Sellers can sell various physical and digital products, and there are several online marketplaces where sellers can sell their professional services.

Online marketplaces reduce the hassle for businesses by giving them immediate access to a strong customer base to whom they can sell their products or services. By selling on these marketplaces, you can make a wider audience aware of your business who haven’t found it yet. Building trust with your potential customers is also a significant concern when selling online. When you are selling through an online marketplace, people are more confident in purchasing from you because they know that this busiess is backed by the marketplace host.

The online marketplace makes money through commissions, subscriptions, referrals, or by charging sellers specific sign-up fees from the sellers.

Examples of Online Marketplace Websites

  • Who is not aware of Amazon? It is a giant e-commerce marketplace where over 1 million small to medium businesses sell their products. When creating a seller account on the Amazon Marketplace, a business may choose any selling plan. Businesses can create a branded storefront on Amazon, which increases their visibility and improves their chances of selling products or services.
  • Shopee is another online marketplace that originally started as a C2C marketplace and later expanded into a B2C marketplace. It was launched in 2015 in Singapore and has expanded to the Southeast Asia region and Latin America, competing with other market giants. Shopee offers its customers a smooth online shopping experience and secure payment and fulfillment options and is planning to expand globally.
Types of Websites - Example of Online Marketplace Website - Amazon.com
Source: amazon.com

23. Auction Website

An auction website is an online platform that allows users to sell or bid for different products or services online. These websites are great for the sellers as they can reach different locations and a larger audience. The entire buying and selling process takes place through bidding that typically ends after a certain amount of time. Like the conventional bidding process, the person with the highest bid wins the deal.

Different types of auctions may take place on the auction website, such as Open auctions, in which bids are displayed to everyone; Closed auctions, in which bidders can put their bids without knowing the bids of others; or Reverse auctions, in which the seller creates a product list, and their prices go down as time passes.

Auction websites work simply, and they are great for efficient bidding and pleasant buying and selling experiences. Since users are more accustomed to online buying and selling, auction websites make it more exciting and fun. The dynamic pricing facilitated by the bidding process is especially beneficial for products with fluctuating market pricing.

Examples of Auction Websites

  • eBay is not only popular for buying clothing, accessories, etc., but it is also an excellent auction site trusted by millions of buyers and sellers worldwide. EBay’s online bidding solution software allows buyers and sellers to communicate with each other, automates the entire bidding process, and reduces user effort. The virtual auction held by eBay fosters growth for the sellers and helps them market their products to a broader audience and at market-competitive prices.
  • BidSpotter is another popular bidding platform for commercial and industrial goods and facilitates users who are looking for specific equipment or heavy machines. There are live, timed auctions for interested buyers to participate in and bid on the desired product. The real-time bidding facilitated by the platform saves time for both buyers and sellers and streamlines transactions using advanced digital technology. The users can place bids from any location after a simplified registration.
Types of Websites - Example of Auction Website - Bidspotter.com
Source: bidspotter.com

24. Non-profit Website

As the name suggests, these websites do not intend to sell any products or services. Their core purpose is to share their organization’s mission and values and convince people to support their cause. These websites are usually created to encourage donations and connect charity and aid-providing organizations with patrons.

The non-profit website, like other websites, should have a compelling web design and stories of different people revolving around the cause. If you run a non-profit organization, your website should clearly deliver your mission and emotionally resonate with the people. The non-profit websites usually use real images, descriptions of their work in different areas, and donation and fundraising options. Having a website will give legitimacy to your work, and more potential donors will trust and support your cause.

Examples of Non-profit Websites

  • World Wildlife Fund protects and preserves wildlife and their ecosystems by educating visitors about wildlife suffering. The website is informative and encouraging, with a clear Donate CTA at the top of the home page. You will also find information about the organization’s work and services for nature conservation.
  • One Drop is another non-profit website that aims to make clean water accessible to millions of underprivileged individuals worldwide. The design is entirely focused on this purpose, and you will see a lot of informative content in compelling layouts. From sophisticated colors to using white spaces, their website makes a convincing impression on visitors to donate.
Types of Websites - Example of Non-profit Wesite - onedrop.org
Source: onedrop.org

25. Government Website

Government websites are created by government officials to provide information and services to the public. They are the most comprehensive, trusted, and helpful websites that the public can access to inquire about certain matters. Government websites differ from others as they are primarily built and managed by official people to deliver accurate information and services to ordinary people of a country.

These websites can be used by people to inquire about different rules and policies, understand tax obligations, learn about immigrants’ rights, and much more. The government can also update citizens about emergency events and important policies and notify them about specific protocols through these websites. Visitors can also access government publications and services via the citizen portal and interact with government agencies digitally.

Examples of Government Websites

  • The U.S. General Services Administration has a very intuitive website that offers government services to the people of the USA. The website helps US citizens learn about government contracting, policies and regulations, and initiatives. It is informative, with multiple content blocks arranged together to give visitors a smooth browsing experience.
  • Canada.ca is the official website of the government of Canada, where citizens can find extensive information on government-related queries. The website covers information regarding immigration, citizenship, employment, taxes, money and finances, policing and justice, transport and infrastructure, and other services facilitated by the Government of Canada. There is a Most Requested section in the Home Page that highlights the most commonly sought and retrieved information.
Types of Websites - Example of Government Wesite - Canada.ca
Source: canada.ca


The need to stand out online has increased more than ever today, which is why we see tons of websites in the digital world. The types of websites are not limited to the ones mentioned above, as there are many types beyond this. However, we have tried to cover as many as we can to give you vivid information regarding what are the different types of websites and what each website offers.

Each type of website has specific features according to its objectives. For example, if the goal is to offer readers something valuable to read, a blogging website or informational website will be more relevant, but if the goal is to sell online, an e-commerce site is the right option.

The websites cater to every industry, from personal to education to business to government and beyond. While some websites generate unique content for visitors, some host the content of others under copyright permission. The types of websites mentioned above are a great starting point for learning how you want your website to look, and the examples quoted can help you visualize your website.

Kemo SaaS lets you customize your web designs and add personalization without diving into code. If you are short on time and don’t want to get into the coding complexity, website builders are a great option. To build a more sophisticated and complicated website, you may contact a web development agency to bring your web design ideas to life.

Types of Websites FAQs

What are the different types of websites?

There are more than 20 types of websites, including entertainment websites, educational websites, blog websites, personal websites, business websites, wiki websites, booking websites, portfolio websites, e-commerce websites, and many more.

What is the difference between a personal website and a blog?

A personal website is like a digital footprint that showcases personal achievements and experiences, work portfolios, and interests to build a personal brand. A blog is a platform that is only focused on publishing content on a regular basis. Blog posts are created to share personal thoughts, stories, opinions, or research content on specific topics.

What are the most popular types of websites?

Some of the popular types of websites are blog websites, portfolio websites, business websites, e-commerce websites, informational websites, entertainment websites, and personal websites.